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Ideal for businesses that deposit non-cash items daily, our Sound eCapture service offers such benefits as:
Sound eCapture allows you to scan checks, create digital deposits, and use an encrypted Internet connection to transmit them to First Sound Bank for clearing and posting to your account.
Deposit transactions are easier and faster to monitor with Sound eCapture. As each check is scanned, the system captures a digital image of the front and back of the item and cancels the face of the item to indicate it has been deposited. Additional data to augment accounting records also can be entered with each check scanned. Digital records of all check images, as well as accompanying data for the day's deposit, can be uploaded to the company's accounts receivable system.
First Sound Bank offers a variety of different scanners based on deposit volume, deposit information needs and additional service options that are available.
All you need is an Internet connection. First Sound Bank provides the desktop scanner plus simple training for office operators. The Sound eCapture service is accessed via a secured link on First Sound Bank's Web site. Fees are processed to analysis, using earnings credit to offset the costs.
Contact your First Sound Bank relationship manager to sign up for Sound eCapture.
Marjorie Lund, PE, SE
Managing Principal
Lund Opsahl